Traditional Chinese Translation Service
- Translations in Over 60 Languages
- Only $23.99 Per Page For Certified Translation
- Only $0.10 Per Word For Standard Translation
- Only $0.13 Per Word For Professional Translation
- 24 Hour Delivery
Traditional Chinese translation by FastTranslate
Traditional Chinese is considered a linguistic treasure that is part of the history and culture of its regions. Mainly used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, Traditional Chinese is testimony to the rich heritage of these territories.
With some 60 million inhabitants in Taiwan, where it is the official language, Traditional Chinese is part of daily communication. In Hong Kong, with a population of more than 7 million, Traditional Chinese symbolizes cultural identity, influencing business transactions to artistic expressions. In Macau, Traditional Chinese maintains its presence, being part of the daily life of some 600,000 residents.
Beyond these regions, Traditional Chinese remains relevant in diaspora communities around the world. However, when requesting a translation of Traditional Chinese, only some professionals know the specific characteristics that differentiate it from other variants of the Chinese language.
In this regard, Fast Translate has more than 10 years of experience in standard, certified, and notarized traditional Chinese translation. Regardless of the industry or your particular case, we have a large team of Chinese translators specialized in Traditional Chinese so we will surely be able to meet your expectations.
Types of Traditional Chinese Translations We Offer
Certified Traditional Chinese Translation
For situations that demand the utmost accuracy, rely on FastTranslate’s certified Traditional Chinese translators. With thousands of satisfied customers who have relied on our expertise for fast and accurate Traditional Chinese-certified translation services.
Whether you need certified, official, or notarized Traditional Chinese translations, FastTranslate is the leading authority in Traditional Chinese translation services.
Our certified Traditional Chinese translations are optimized for different uses, including birth certificates, marriage certificates, legal documents, academic records, and more.
- Pricing at $23.99 per page
- We guarantee fast delivery without compromising quality
- Official certification letterhead and seal
- Fast turnaround times starting at 24 hours
- Confidential data security
Standard Traditional Chinese Translation
At Fast Translate we also offer standard Traditional Chinese translations for businesses, law firms, healthcare, technology, and more.
Our prices for standard translations are per word, affordable, and transparent, you get full control over your Traditional Chinese translation costs.
We have a good team of professional translators with experience in various industries, delivering standard Traditional Chinese translations for websites, SEO Traditional Chinese content, business plans, reports, presentations, marketing materials, instruction manuals, and more.
- Pricing at $0.10 per word
- Native Traditional Chinese translators by industry
- Dedicated project managers
- Fast turnaround times starting at 24 hours
- Confidential data security
Traditional Chinese Document Translation
We are aware of the complexities involved in translating legal and technical documents into Traditional Chinese. That is why at FastTranslate we have a specialized team of translators trained to provide Traditional Chinese document translation services in various industries.
At FastTranslate, our translators adapt to your niche market, guaranteeing fast turnaround times without compromising quality.
In addition, we carefully handle sensitive documents, using secure systems to safeguard confidential data. Finally, our multi-step quality controls identify and correct errors.
- Birth certificates, marriage certificates, legal contracts
- Business documents, bank statements
- Medical records, vaccination records
- Diplomas, transcripts, course guides
- Passports, and more.
Document Translation Services
Discover top-tier language solutions with our range of services. Our team of skilled professionals delivers standard, professional, and certified document translation services that are guaranteed to be fast, reliable, and affordable.
Certified Translation
Recomended Use
For use by governments, courts, universities and other institutions which need an official translation.
$23.99 Per Page
Standard Services
- Output file DOCX and/or PDF
- Proofreading Included
- Formatting Included
- Signed/Stamp Certification
- Free Revisions
- Starting at 24 Hr Turnaround
Optional Services
- Faster Delivery
- Notarization
Standard Translation
Recomended Use
For use in presentations, Internal Communications, Emails, Letters, Business material, Websites, Apps.
$0.10 Per Word
Standard Services
- Output file DOCX and/or PDF
- Proofreading Included
- Formatting Included
- Free Revisions
- Starting at 24 Hr Turnaround
Optional Services
- Faster Delivery
Professional Translation
Recomended Use
For use in Reports, Business Material, Presentations, Websites, Apps.
$0.13 Per Word
Standard Services
- Output file DOCX and/or PDF
- Proofreading Included
- Formatting Included
- Free Revisions
- Starting at 24 Hr Turnaround
- Revised by Industry Professional
Optional Services
- Faster Delivery
3 Easy Steps To Your Traditional Chinese Translation
Translation Type
We offer professional, standard, and certified Traditional Chinese translations. Each with a different purpose depending on our client’s needs.
Select Language
We work with over 60 languages. Simply select your source language and your target language to move to the next step.
Provide Materials
You can upload your documents to our site or provide us with a link to access your material.